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Kate Pendry – 8. november 2016

Kate Pendry: Dagbok fra prøver #4

Fra prøver på Dansens Hus.

8. november 2016
Sist endret
26. mai 2023
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Baktanker Dans

Dagboken er opprinnelig publisert på dansenshus.com. I serien Baktanker formidler Scenekunst.no tekster av kunstnere som er involvert i aktuelle scenekunstproduksjoner.

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– De siste fire danseproduksjonene jeg har sett, har hatt mer snakk enn dans i seg. Vi gjenpubliserer skuespiller Kate Pendrys dagbok (engelsk) fra prøvene til forestillingen “America Ep. 2 – Psychopatriot” på Dansens Hus.

Diary #4: It’s snowing now

“Sometimes when I act opposite her I forget I’m a co-character and find myself thinking Bloody hell, she’s good.” Actress Kate Pendry keeps a diary from rehersals and preparations for America Ep. 2 – Psychopatriot.

DAY 11 Steady day; working through the scenes chronologically, finding the best solutions aesthetically, actor and director negotiating: what may feel right for the actor may be uninteresting for the audience. It’s always a challenge, keeping things interesting and authentic sametime.

Almost full crew in rehearsal today, Martin – technical manager/producer, Danny our stagehand, Stine, costume, Torkil, lighting. It’s all happened very fast, and premiere is in exactly two weeks.

I go to see Peeping Tom at Dansens Hus in the evening. Become acutely aware of the fact that the last four dance productions I’ve seen seem to have had more talking than dance in them, and wonder more and more what the definition of ‘dance’ is these days, also theatre? Perhaps that is not a thread one wants to pull at … but I do like the intervocational blurred lines.

DAY 12 Continuing where we left off, scene 8 (of 25). Alan in good spirits, and his good spirits always lift any actor (or actress) struggling with self doubt. I play a scene where the character is very ill and on a morphine drip. I’m not a fan of ‘the method’ (ibid), but do marvel at how muscle memory can take over, when one simply casts the mind back to when one was in hospital hooked up to the drugs. It’s tiring. Yvonne carries the scene with an extraordinary monologue. I never cease to be amazed at Yvonne’s commitment to her craft, how she paces and goes back again and again to get right the tiniest moments. Sometimes when I act opposite her I forget I’m a co-character and find myself thinking Bloody hell, she’s good.

Stine brings in some costumes for us to try. That’s a new gear shift in the process, as costumes are battle dress in some ways. It’s not playtime any more. It’s play time.

It’s snowing now. Good to be inside, working in a team.

Dagboken er opprinnelig publisert på dansenshus.com. I serien Baktanker formidler Scenekunst.no tekster av kunstnere som er involvert i aktuelle scenekunstproduksjoner. For å lese tidligere innlegg, gå til relaterte artikler nederst til venstre.


Scenekunst.no A/S Scenekunst.no er en redaksjonelt uavhengig nettavis for profesjonell scenekunst og tilhørende kulturpolitikk. Vi følger Norsk redaktørforenings redaktørplakat.

Scenekunst.no er medlem av Norsk Tidsskriftforening. Scenekunst.no er støttet av Norsk kulturfond. Fra 2016 er tidsskriftet organisert som et almennyttig aksjeselskap med NTO, PAHN, NSF og NoDA som eiere og bidragsytere. Fagforbundet Teater og Scene gir også årlig støtte.


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